Dynamic JSON Parsing in PySpark: A Guide to Flexible Schema Handling


Halis Manaz
5 min readMar 26, 2024

JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format that’s easy to read and write for humans, and easy to parse and generate for machines. In the realm of big data, JSON has emerged as the de facto standard for semi-structured data. However, this flexibility also introduces challenges, especially when dealing with data of varying structures. This blog dives into how you can leverage PySpark to dynamically parse and process JSON data, ensuring your Big Data pipelines remain both flexible and scalable.

PySpark and JSON Data

PySpark offers seamless integration with JSON, allowing JSON data to be easily retrieved, parsed and queried. PySpark can parse JSON strings into structured DataFrames with functions such as `from_json`. For this parsing, PySpark usually parses through a fixed schema structure. In other words, you define what type of JSON you want to parse as a `struct` and then you do this parse according to that `struct` structure. Another and more flexible way is to define a general schema structure. Define each key-value pair in JSON as a string (`StringType()`) and then parse with this general schema. However, the biggest disadvantage of this general schema structure is that it allows you to parse only one level deep JSONs. If there is another dictionary structure in the value value, it cannot parse it. For this reason, the `struct` structure we will create should cover all of them and provide parse operation at all level depths, even if the JSON structure in each line is different.

Code Walkthrough: Dynamic JSON Schema Handling

Step 1: Create a DataFrame from JSON Strings

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import from_json, col
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType

# Initialize SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[*]").appName("DynamicJSONParsing").getOrCreate()

# Sample data showcasing varying JSON structures
data = [
("1", '{"name": "John Doe", "age": 30}'),
("2", '{"city": "New York", "country": "USA", "zipcode": "10001"}'),
("3", '{"product": "Laptop", "brand": "Dell", "specs": {"RAM": "16GB", "Storage": "512GB SSD"}}')

# Creating the DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["id", "json_string"])

Initialize the SparkSession and create a DataFrame (`df`) containing JSON strings with varying structures. This sample data showcases different JSON structures, including nested objects and arrays.

Step 2: Define a Dynamic Schema

dynamic_schema = spark.read.json(df.rdd.map(lambda row: row.json_string)).schema

This code transforms a Spark DataFrame (`df`) containing JSON strings in one of its columns into a new DataFrame based on the JSON structure and then retrieves the schema of this new DataFrame.

1. It starts by converting `df` into an RDD

2. It applies a map function to extract JSON strings from a specified column (`json_string`)

3. It uses `spark.read.json` to parse these strings into a DataFrame by inferring the JSON schema automatically

4. Accesses the schema of the resulting DataFrame to understand its structure.

Step 3: Convert JSON Strings to Structured Data

df = df.withColumn("json_struct", from_json(col("json_string"), dynamic_schema))

This code snippet adds a new column (`json_struct`) to the DataFrame (`df`) by parsing the JSON strings in the `json_string` column using the dynamic schema inferred in the previous step.

Step 4: Accessing All JSON Keys

def get_json_keys(schema, prefix):
Recursively fetches all the keys from a complex JSON schema.

:param schema: The schema of the DataFrame or a part of it.
:param prefix: The current struct column name.
:return: A list of strings representing the path to each key in the JSON object.
keys = []
for field in schema.fields:
# If the current field is a StructType, recurse
if isinstance(field.dataType, StructType):
if prefix:
new_prefix = f"{prefix}.{field.name}"
new_prefix = field.name
keys += get_json_keys(field.dataType, new_prefix)
elif isinstance(field.dataType, ArrayType) and isinstance(field.dataType.elementType, StructType):
# Handle arrays of StructTypes
if prefix:
new_prefix = f"{prefix}.{field.name}"
new_prefix = field.name
keys += get_json_keys(field.dataType.elementType, new_prefix)
# Base case: add the field name to the keys list
if prefix:
return keys

cols = get_json_keys(dynamic_schema, "json_struct")

This function recursively extracts all the keys from a complex JSON schema, including nested structures and arrays of structs. It returns a list of strings representing the path to each key in the JSON object. This list of keys can be used to access specific fields in the JSON data.

Step 5: Accessing Specific Fields

df.select("id", *cols).show(truncate=False)


| id| age|brand| city|country| name|product|memory| model| RAM| Storage|zipcode|
| 1| 50| null| null| null|John Doe| null| null| null|null| null| null|
| 2|null| null|New York| USA| null| null| null| null|null| null| 10001|
| 3|null| Dell| null| null| null| Laptop| 4GB|NVIDIA GTX 1650|16GB|512GB SSD| null|

This code demonstrates how to access specific fields in the JSON data by selecting the `id` column and all the keys extracted in the previous step. The `show` method displays the DataFrame with the specified columns, providing a structured view of the JSON data.

Step 6: Give Hierarchy to the Columns

df = df.select([col(c).alias(n) for c, n in zip(df.columns, ['id'] + cols)])


| id|json_struct.age|json_struct.brand|json_struct.city|json_struct.country|json_struct.name|json_struct.product|json_struct.specs.RAM|json_struct.specs.Storage|json_struct.zipcode|
| 1| 30| null| null| null| John Doe| null| null| null| null|
| 2| null| null| New York| USA| null| null| null| null| 10001|
| 3| null| Dell| null| null| null| Laptop| 16GB| 512GB SSD| null|

In the dataframe above, each key was expressed as a column. This gives the desired result. However, there is also a hierarchy between key values. In order to indicate this situation, we should reorganise the column names to indicate the hierarchy.

Real Life Use Cases

1. Log Analysis: Log files often contain semi-structured data with varying fields and structures. By using dynamic JSON parsing in PySpark, you can extract valuable insights from log data without being constrained by fixed schemas.

2. NoSQL Databases: NoSQL databases like MongoDB store data in JSON-like formats, which can vary across documents. PySpark’s dynamic JSON parsing capabilities allow you to query and analyze data from NoSQL databases seamlessly.

3. IoT Data Processing: IoT devices generate vast amounts of data with varying structures. Dynamic JSON parsing in PySpark allows you to handle this data flexibly, adapting to the changing formats and structures of IoT data streams.

4. E-commerce Platforms: E-commerce platforms often deal with diverse product information, each with its own set of attributes. Dynamic JSON parsing enables you to process this product data efficiently, regardless of the variability in the JSON structures.

5. Data Integration: When integrating data from multiple sources, you may encounter different JSON structures. Dynamic JSON parsing in PySpark ensures that your data processing pipeline can handle this variability, enabling smooth data integration.


Mastering dynamic JSON parsing in PySpark is essential for processing semi-structured data efficiently. By leveraging PySpark’s flexible schema handling capabilities, you can build robust data pipelines that adapt to changing JSON structures. Whether you’re working with IoT data, e-commerce platforms, log files, NoSQL databases, or data integration tasks, PySpark’s dynamic JSON parsing features empower you to extract valuable insights from diverse data sources. With the right tools and techniques, you can unlock the full potential of your Big Data pipelines and drive data-driven decision-making across your organization.

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Halis Manaz

Hi, I am Halis. I am interested in Python, data analysis, and machine learning. I share what I learned, what I found interesting, and my portfolio projects